Tech Install Targeting

Use Technology installs to target new customers

Knowing what tech your product plays well with can expand your market. Identify which of your technologies complement the products or tools of other companies. Then run outbound campaigns to potential customers with messaging about using your product with that complementary technology.

You can automatically discover Salestools contacts at these companies that fit the buying committee for those technologies. Create a play specific to each complementary technology and pair it with specific outbound messaging.

  • Identify signals for specific technologies added at a company within your ICP
  • Filter companies to reduce the records to meet specific criteria
  • Source expanded set of contacts which meet your persona definition mapped to each technology category
  • Send records to your CRM
  • Assign to a Account Owner
  • Enroll in Tech Install Campaign



Impact of Play: Very High
The Go to market playbooks from Salestools enabled our team to leverage Salestools and scale faster.- Christian H.