Job Change

Use the momentum that a new Decision Maker is in place

Staffing shifts pave the way for promising outreach opportunities, more so within your current accounts. New executives, keen to leave an imprint, often assess and recalibrate their technology and service arsenals in their initial 90 days, which can lead to new acquisitions.

Engaging individuals early into their new roles allows you to shape their priorities, enhancing the likelihood of securing a transaction. Furthermore, a recent elevation in rank offers a genuine conversation initiator, as they're likely receiving a barrage of congratulatory messages from their broader circles.

Such personnel transitions can also unveil underlying strategic trajectories. Discerning which firms are bolstering their strengths in areas like data science or corporate finance can provide significant insights into their forthcoming directional strategies.

  • Identify contact job changes within specific departments at a company within your ICP
  • Identify contact with recent job changes at the same company
  • Send records to your CRM
  • Assign to a Account Owner
  • Enroll in Job Change Campaign



Impact of Play: Very High
The Go to market playbooks from Salestools enabled our team to leverage Salestools and scale faster.- Christian H.